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Scholarship Opportunities 

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Members of the WSCC Alumni Association and/or their dependents are eligible for these exclusive scholarships. 

Lion Leader Ambassador Program

The Wallace State Lion Leader Program is comprised of outstanding students desiring leadership development. The Lion Leaders represent the College in many capacities at both on- and off-campus events and activities.This position is one of high-esteem and a source of self-enrichment as these students strive to be role models within the College and community.
Applications are completed through the Future Foundation application process which is open online every Spring. 

"Being a Lion Leader was such a great experience. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to serve and give back to an organization that does so much for students and Wallace State as a whole. I had such a great time working with fellow students and along side the Lion Leader and Future Foundation sponsors. I was able to learn life skills and develop lasting relationships that will benefit me for the rest on my life. "
-Luke Troutman, 2022-2023 Lion Leader


  • A $500 scholarship each semester (each student must volunteer a minimum of 20 hours each semester during fall and spring semesters)
  • Development of personal growth, self-esteem, and leadership skills
  • Unparalleled experience in public relations, event planning and execution
  • The opportunity to network with community and civic leaders in order to build a resume and contacts
  • Being known as a campus leader with occasions to engage with, and learn from, faculty and staff

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Must be a currently admitted WSCC student and enrolled by the fall semester
  • Must be in good academic standing with a 2.75 or higher GPA (WSCC or high school)
  • Must complete the Lion Leader Application Packet and interview process
  • Alumni Association Members and their dependents receive priority for positions
  • Dedication to the organization and ability to commit required hours
  • Sincere desire to represent WSCC and to be a student leader
  • Ability to adapt to a variety of situations
  • Ability to make a positive first impression and to work well with others
  • Responsibility, dependability, and enthusiasm

Alumni Transfer Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) who is transferring to a four-year institution upon graduating from Wallace State. One or more scholarships at a minimum of $1,000 will be awarded, depending upon funds available. Requirements include: a minimum of 3.0 GPA and must be a member of the Student Alumni Association or be a dependent of an Alumni Association member. 

Applications are completed through the Future Foundation application process which is open online every Spring.

2023-2024 Recipient - Audrey Fuller

"I am the first of my family to continue to pursue a Bachelor's degree and I am proud to say it is because of Wallace State Donors! I am excited for what my future holds and I owe it to the Future Foundation donors!"

2023-2024 Recipient - Gray Green 

"Thank you beyond words for your generous scholarship. I am so appreciative that you chose to honor me with this gift. This scholarship is important to me because it enables me to continue my education with less financial burden. I will continue to work hard in school and to serve others."

Audrey Ful


Gloria Williams Community Service Scholarship 

This scholarship is awarded in May to the student who completes the most volunteer/community service hours during the Fall and Spring semesters. The student must be a member of the Student Alumni Association and have a GPA of at least 2.5. Hours must be worked with a non-profit organization and cannot be earned under a family member, a for-profit organization or religious event. Student Alumni members will receive a form to log their hours. The scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $1,000.

Log Your Hours

2023-2024 Recipient - Valeria Valdez